We work to teach people how to use
new technologies competently
and safely.

Media sure! But secure.

Initiative Teachtoday

Teachtoday is an initiative for the promotion of safe and competent media use from Deutsche Telekom. It offers help to children & teens, parents & grandparents, as well as educational professionals with materials and tips for teaching, parenting and growing up in a world where media is part of everyday life.

Teachtoday takes into account the different habitats and ways that children and young people use media within the family, at school and during their free time. Teachtoday’s offers are applicable to specific, day-to-day situations. They are directly available for parents, grandparents and educators to put to use with children and young people.

The initiative offers support both via its website,, and directly on site at your place of learning. Teachtoday also looks across borders and offers information about international best practice projects and is available in various languages.
